bribed with juicy lucys

saturday was a pretty nice day!

i started it off with a visit to a neighborhood antique shop and part-time coffee shop, ever after/coffee on broadway.


Visiting somewhere new-to-me this morning!

Maybe I should get this...

i could easily fill this thing in a couple of hours.


it was imperative that i get some cinnamon rolls for jason and myself. delicious! i also stopped by the grocery store, where i found the neighborhood girl scouts selling cookies. i scrounged up a couple dollars and many quarters to buy a box. i have spent many years selling cookies inside of grocery stores! i mentioned this and they asked me to sign up as an alumna — there is some sort of competition going on? that’s cool.


i also got some more clementines. the box suits ampersand very well, and i think she was even trying to make room for ellipses to squeeze in.

much later in the evening, i made jason go to the 5-8 club with me for juicy lucys. such torture! i might’ve wanted to eat five, but i was quite full after one. no thanks to the massive pile of onion straws we ordered.

Holy cow: onion straws. With @isitthegenes's pointer finger for scale!


it was so delicious. it’s been too long, lucy.


i had a somewhat ulterior motive, though, because the 5-8 club is kinda out of our way of anything. but! just down the road was an ice castle outside of the mall of america. so i made jason go see that with me, too, even though it was cold and we are not cold-weather people.


definitely needed more hand-warming stations. and maybe hot chocolate could’ve been included in the admission price.


The coldest date night we've had so far #project365

it was very pretty, though.




it would be a great place to visit with a dslr in hand!


here we’re wandering around inside the tower.






ice monster!

we had a fun time, and i made us hot cocoa when we got home. (though i also needed about 5 blankets to get warm again.)

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