Hannie’s 3rd Birthday

Before we started the birthday party with family in Sioux Falls, we stopped for lunch. Where Hannie got a new hat and a mega dessert!


She shared a little bit. But not much.

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And almost as soon as everyone had gathered and there was a pile of presents, Hannie ripped into ’em. How did she know they were for her?

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The theme of the day was “Dora.”

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Heidi made Hannie’s lovely (delicious) cake. I lit the three candles and before everyone could gather to sing the birthday song, Hannie started blowing them out. “Wait!” we all cried, which accidentally made Hannie cry. Aw! But round two went much better.


Then we chilled out.

Post-birthday party chill out session in the lobby


Ryan B.

Who’s house is that? Is that a hotel? Looks pretty amazing.


Yeah, we partied down at the hotel… It was nice, but the pool was only 3′ deep at most! Pool for kids.


Yeah, we partied down at the hotel… It was nice, but the pool was only 3′ deep at most! Pool for kids.

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