Extravaganza Part II

Continued from my previous post…

I made Jason see some Vermillion sights since we were there and he’d never been to South Dakota. (There is still a whole lot of state left for him to see.) We actually started in Nebraska, but it was still “Vermillion” since we had only crossed the river outside of town.

Jason points

Jason and me in Nebraska

Stairs to Nebraska

I also brought him to the Shrine to Music Museum.

Enjoy, But Do Not Touch

Gold Dragon



Jason in awe

After we had our fill of music, we headed back home to Minneapolis. When I got home, a new beer was waiting for me. (It’s named for my neighborhood!)

Grain Belt Nordeast

Later in the week I went to see some stand up comedy with Crystal and Jess. It was open mic night, so it wasn’t great, but it was still fun.

F-Duck at the Comedy Corner

I also started a flower garden in a little corner of my backyard. It’s cute! I can imagine I’ll be forgetting to water it a lot this summer, though.

Yard before Flower Garden

Digging in the dirt

First round of plantings

I went roller skating with Vani. When do I get to go again? I need to make more time for this.

Me and Vani, now with roller skates!

Roller Skaters

Which roller skates should I buy?

I also should make more time for house-hopping dinner parties, like a big group of friends of mine organized recently. It was a fun day and by only spending an hour and a half at each apartment, things didn’t have time to get dull.

Group shot at Crystal's

Playing Rock Band at Jason's

Me singing

Group shot at Mike's

I also recently won a couple of books via Twitter – go, go, Web Design learnin’!

Web Design books

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