Day Dreaming

I worked on the site a little bit yesterday. I’m thinking maybe today I’ll work on it more. I’m not sure what to do next… I would like to figure out how to get the comment function to work with my site but, meh.

My sister got married mid-April and that was all fun and good. While she and my new brother-in-law were in Italy, I got to play in their Uptown apartment with their three kitties and her car. It was indeed the good life as they also have cable TV! But mostly I watched TBS and mostly I’m okay with that.

I find myself wondering when my next vacation will be. I have no excuse and no method of leaving town. Where would I go anyway? I would like to go to Chicago. But no trip is ever long enough. I need to take up travel agent-cy perhaps. I need to get a job that will let me fly in and out of crazy nuts places. Where do I get a job like that and am I too young to acquire such a job?

It’s almost summer in Minneapolis, though. Lazing on the Calhoun Lake beach will be lovely.

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