Enjoying Life

You will all be so proud of me! In the last week I have managed to at least get a basic design presentable for the following pages:

Professional (my resume)*
Knitting and
Mill City*!

None of them are quite done—I still need to add a few things and change a few words—but they are there! And you can look at them. I will let you do that.

I figured out how to get comments working for this blog, so you can leave your thoughts with me (I do so love to know what you’re thinking) or read the thoughts of others.

It seems that it took me 5 months to recover from school and classes. I’m designing again! I’m reading books for pleasure! I recently completed The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and it was a very good read. Now I am working on Running with Scissors.

And the weather in Minneapolis is so nice for laying in the grass on a sunny hill! It’s only about 10 a.m. at the moment, so hopefully in a couple hours I will take myself to the park across the street and have a leisurely picnic with the book. And I shall continue to develop the website!


* Broken links removed 2011-11-22.

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