Hitchcock Fix

Last friday I had my first big get-together in my apartment. I hosted a monthly movie night that Ann has been organizing since February. Theme: Alfred Hitchcock.


We watched Rope and most of Rear Window. I use the verb “watched” very loosely because we chattered through most of both of the movies. We stopped Rear Window before it ended so as not to ruin the movie for Vani. (She came over the next evening and we watched it without as much chattering.)

Tiff and F-Duck

Anne, Crystal and Kristi

The kitties handled all of the company pretty well, though Ampersand is usually always a bit skittish. She watched the party from the kitchen most of the night.


And look—even a BOY came! (Okay, so Jon and Mark were over earlier before I broke out my camera. And another fellow, Nick, had come over with his friend, Greta.)

Chris and Tiff

Anne (not Ann, mind you) brought over Hitchcock Clue, so we had to play it, of course.

Ann and Kristi play Hitchcock Clue

Kristi, Chris, and Tiff

It was Miss Scarlet in the farmhouse kitchen with a seagull! (I won the game.)

Anne and Vani

Hitchcock Clue

For some reason or another, the conversation turned to David Bowie so we had to watch various scenes of The Labyrinth.

Tiff and Jareth

It got to be quite late and my guests started to get a little sleepy.


Ann, Anne, Chris, Kristi, and Vani

Vani stuck around after everyone else had left and we caught up for a bit. Somehow it was 3 a.m. when I finally went to bed—it was such a fun night, though! I’m so glad everyone could come and hang out with me. I hope to have everyone over again soon!

There are a few more photos on Flickr.

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