How does the summer fill up so quickly? I’m trying to keep on top of things in my little corner of the internet, but I keep getting distracted. Tonight is perfect for catching up, though. I’m watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tonight in preparation for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince tomorrow night. Since I’ve seen tonight’s movies before (I just need a memory refresh on what happens), I can be a little distracted by Flickr and photo sharing.
(Ooh, Hermione just arrived at the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum.)
On Thursday night I’ll be babysitting Hannie with my friend, Erin, and on Friday I’m headed up north to Goodland, MN with a few friends. I don’t think I’ll have a chance to share photos of my BLUE bathroom with you until next week. I’m very happy that it’s finally done, though! The blue is more blue than I originally envisioned, but it’s a very lovely color. With the white trim, and when I finally touch up the white paint around the door and window and repaint the ceiling (also white) it will look so much cleaner than it was when I moved in! And also less hideous. Less hideous is important.
I have to get the painters tape down before I take photos of the mostly-finished project, but until then I have one photo to post here.

This was after the first coat of paint was up—I’m glad the kitties seem to approve of the new color!
(By the way, I’m still a little sad about what happens to Cedric Diggory.)
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