… the bumps were well worth it, however. I’ve been having a fun summer so far. I have not done as much design or reorganizing as I had planned to do this summer… I guess that is what August is for, because July will be over in about 3 days. (The days are just packed!)
So! Photos and clarifications. I last left you with some graduation celebrations. Since then, the following:
(1) I officially “toured” with Plastic Chord to Mankato, MN where they played at the What’s Up Lounge.
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/14257-2/img-043.jpg)
(2) I took photos and helped at the third annual Bike-In at the Bell.
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/14722-1/bikein2007-225.jpg)
(3) Some of my photos from the Bike-In are being used on the Global Bike Days website, too! (Check the schedule page for my photos.)
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/14996-2/globalbikedays-pg_whole.jpg)
(4) I took Karyn for a night on the town to celebrate her freedom from school. We ate at Taste of Thailand in downtown Minneapolis, then went to the Pantages Theatre for Feist and Grizzly Bear.
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/14921-1/img-002.jpg)
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/14955-1/img-019.jpg)
(5) Rebecca and I went for an afternoon/evening of fun around lake Mille Lacs (which is probably when I acquired my itchies).
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/15109-1/img-053.jpg)
(6) Kristi and I watched the Pride Parade again this year. Every year it seems to get a little bit longer. First sunburn of the summer!
![[Click Here to View Album]](http://pork-chop.org/gallery/d/15290-1/img-177.jpg)
During July I will be attending a family reunion in Iowa, taking photos for an exhibit development project at the Bell Museum, heading out to British Columbia and Washington for a week, taking photos for Areca and Karl’s wedding, and moving to a new apartment. Then it will be August.
Minneapolis Pride is so vastly superior to DC Pride it’s not even funny. Plus, you had Al Franken!!
… and he was surrounded by a camera crew and they were all running. It amazes me how much political candidates can run around in this crazy summer heat! (R.T. Rybak was in the same way as Mr. Franken.)