Why weren’t you there! or here! or over yonder!

Plastic Chord played a pretty rockin’ show at the Uptown Bar tonight. I expect you to be at the next Minneapolis show on August 25th (at Club Underground aka the Spring Street Tavern aka best Bloody Mary in Mpls). It’s a Saturday so you have no reason to not attend.

Also, I’m all moved in to my new place but it’s sort of uneven. My desk is wobbling as I type. Anyone have a few extra napkins I can shove under one of the legs?

Also, also: volunteer for events at the Bell Museum. There are some pretty rockin’ sci-fi movies scheduled for this month and I’d rather watch you scoop popcorn for me than have to scoop popcorn myself. Though I’m so excited that I’d probably march back there with you and help you make popcorn. What can I say? I enjoy making popcorn and I enjoy the Bell Museum. Anyway, check out the website for the upcoming events that YOU! can help make awesome: bellmuseum.org.

Amy aka Pork-CHOP

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