Well, hello there.

Oy! I’m so neglectful of the new webspace… I assure you that I know I have several more pages to finish in order to have a complete site. I’ve just been rather busy…

Italian is going fairly well, even though the German is starting to make me a little crazy. Today my instructor asked me (in Italian) if I was okay, and I replied, “Ja… gut, er — bene.”

Photography is also okay, though I had a horrible time trying to make any good prints last week. I’m over it, I think. Today I developed my first roll of 120 film! That was terribly exciting for me. On Wednesday I am going to start printing the Veronica Lake project, I hope. My negatives look decent, so I’m optimistic.

I got my photos for the Bell Museum back yesterday and they are happily not all crap! A couple are too dark or blurry, but overall: magnifico!

Also, I hooked up the webcam* out of boredom. Feel free to watch me and my roomies as we sit around our living room! I’ll let you know when we’re having a party so that you can spy on us…

* Broken links removed 11-28-11.

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