Web “To Do” List

Yesterday I was cleaning up my little webspace a bit. Today I added a few links. I am realizing via house-keeping that I have promised much more personal content than I am currently providing.

It has been two years since my little trip to Germany and I still haven’t uploaded the whole travel log. It’s got a structure but it’s horrible. I think I need to delete what exists and create a new vision.

I don’t even remember what I intended with my “design” link — maybe screenshots of versions of my old sites? Boring. I think that will just go byebye.

I went to the March for Choice in Washington D.C. about a year and a half ago, too. Unfortunately my batteries in my digital camera died just as I reached the mall to begin the march and I didn’t buy new batteries until the march ended. So my travel log of the march would mostly just be touristy-photos. I don’t remember if they’re interesting or not because I had just acquired a digital camera a month or two before that. I may have just been infatuated (although I still am and still take too many photos). I guess I’ll check that out.

I very much would like to update my knitting and feet pages, but I haven’t been knitting (I did finish the world’s worst hat a couple weeks ago, I’m sticking with scarves) and I have many feet photos scattered around everywhere (including in my sister’s wedding photos, which I still don’t have any copies of). Dilemma.

My “como” link is empty. I intended to fill it with toy camera photos that I had taken (a long, long time ago, when I lived in a city named St. Paul). My brother and his girlfriend got me a new camera — Lomo Colorsplash — for my birthday. Perhaps when I get some rolls of film developed I will have more motivation to fill that page up with pretty photos.

This is what I’m thinking about this morning. I had dreams about FileMaker Pro databases last night, too. Yeah, that’s right. I’m a geek today.

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