Wallpaper Carnage

I made a little bit of progress with the bathroom’s wallpaper tonight. I have tomorrow and Wednesday nights to get the rest off—which will be the most challenging bit as there is a toilet in my way. Who wants to help?

Making Progress

I thought I might discover some hidden, secret love note or something. But instead I just discovered the dimensions of the wall.

No Secrets Here

Wallpaper Mess

I took down the hand towel bar and accidently dropped it—taking a chip out of the toilet tank cover. Can I buy one for cheap somewhere?

Chipped Toilet Tank

And I wish this hidden gem matched anything else, because I think it’s pretty.

Antique Drapery Hardware

And just because it’s been a while: a photo of me.

I think my hair is cute.

Next Sunday – Thursday nights will be my window for priming and painting the walls. I hope I finish before next Friday’s summer solstice party!

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