Type is everywhere!

… except on this little journal. I’m keeping myself busy with two classes, lots of work at the Bell, and petting Ellipses lately. I lost my free (stolen) wireless internet connection at home, which stinks. But that also means that I’ve been neglecting anything that isn’t homework (like editing/uploading the remainder of my photos from Washington and Canada). I have a problem: if the computer is on, I want to play with it. But I don’t necessarily want to be productive. So, without internet, I’m playing too many Bejeweled-esque games. It’s gotta stop.

My classes so far seem great! I’m taking a typography course (first assignment in the photo) and a general computer applications course (currently working on a sort of illustrated image book). My instructors aren’t that much older than me, and my classmates seem about a million years younger than me… but the experience I’ll get from these classes will be awesome. Hopefully awesome enough for a second go-round with graduate school admissions. Only time will tell.

Ellipses is good. He’s mad at me for being so busy and away from home lately. Yesterday he met my neighbor Amanda’s cat, Louie, through the screens on our porch. Lots of low growling and confused staring (and, actually, some yawning, too) but no kitty drama yet. I’m sure we’ll see Louie around the porch again.

This weekend is a going away party for Johanna, who is forsaking Minneapolis for Toledo, Ohio. The party will be great, the saying “farewell (for now!)” won’t.

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