Tourist Tourist Revolution

Here’s an update! Brief because it’s bedtime soon.

Last Thursday, my good buddies, Kelsey and Christina, visited Minneapolis for the first time since leaving about 3 years ago. The first thing on the agenda? Seeing Liz Phair at First Ave, of course!

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After that we rushed over to St. Paul to see our friends, Plastic Chord, perform. I’m happy that we didn’t miss them!

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And, since we hadn’t made time for dinner and we were in the neighborhood (sort of), we stopped by Mickey’s for a midnight dinner.

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The following day was spent running to grocery stores and thrift stores and seeing Minneapolis things. That evening we had a party to celebrate Ellie’s birthday, her departure for Norway soon, and, of course, Halloween. It was spook-tacular!

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After such a long day and night, we took it easy on Saturday. Lunch with some friends at Perkin’s and naps in the afternoon. That night, though, we hit up IKEA and another Halloween party. I didn’t get any pictures at that party (though decorations were indeed superb and the fake guy in the shower totally did freak me out), but there was Mario DDR and I took pictures of that. Because I’m lame like that.

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And now it’s November 1st and Christmas commercials are starting.

I suddenly feel like singing carols.

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