Thinking magic

I have been fairly dull and anti-social this week. Since I skipped karaoke at Legend’s on Wednesday and have been doing a whole lot of nothing at home, I decided that I needed to get away from home and work and familiar territory.

If I can’t go to Japan, at least I can go to a Japanese restaurant.

I brought myself to Kikugawa and they gave me a table in their (surprisingly warm) atrium. The sushi really hit the spot and a couple glasses of plum wine helped me to relax. I got the customary platter since I couldn’t decide what to order — I let the chef decide for me. I was so stuffed! I’m also not sure what I was eating… just a few different kinds of fish and a shrimp, I think. One of the pieces was either a scallop or a giant clam. The platter came with a bowl of miso soup and hot tea (though I turned down the tea since I was busy drinking wine).

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It was early and the restaurant was very quiet, but I think I would visit again. I saw a neon sign that read “Kiku Karaoke”… Do they do karaoke, too? I’d sing there and then eat some sea urchin! Why not?

After dinner I walked down to the St. Anthony Main Theaters to see The Pink Panther.

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It was cute and funny and sort of like going to France. Also, Lucas was working and he hooked me up with a free ticket. Awesome!

I got home around 9:30pm, took a shower, read a chapter from Magical Thinking, then went to bed. I am feeling so much better today than I felt yesterday.

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