Steele County Fair

I spent the weekend in Owatonna with my parents, siblings, their significant others and my dad’s side of the family. It was time for the annual family reunion. It’s not usually close enough for me to attend, but not this year! There’s nothing like a vacation an hour away from your home.

We celebrated my sister’s birthday in the hotel the evening before the reunion.

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The reunion lasted from noon to the late afternoon and the weather was so nice! I fell asleep in the grass at one point.

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Afterwards we headed to the Steele County Free Fair — where the admission is free and everything else is not. But I went on some of the sick-inducing rides with my dad and brother. After the Zipper, Kamikaze, and two other upside-down-in-circles-wind-whipping-you-in-the-face rides, I was nauseated and done riding. But, woo! What a good time! The best part of the fair was meeting Cannonball Smith.

Me (overly excited): Are you Cannonball Smith??
Cannonball Smith: Yes!
Me: Can I take my picture with you?
CS: Of course!
(Karyn snaps the picture.)
Me: Thanks! Have a good jump!

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I insisted on cheering him on before he shot himself over two running ferris wheels into a net. I embarrassed my mom. Oh, well — I think it really helped him out!

All in all, it was a pretty swell weekend!

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