Spring Break 2007

With the exception of Sunday, it was a weekend for photos. I’ll summarize as I give you the tour! (Please note that I will be ending this post with information not at all related to my weekend. I have very many things to write about today. This will get pretty lengthy.)

On Friday, the University of MN was closed for Spring Break, so I decided to relive my youth. I took the light rail (for the first time) to the Mall of America. Only a 30 minute trip from downtown Minneapolis!

First on my agenda was “Animal Botanical” — an exhibit from the Mall’s recent campaign, “The Park in Bloom.” Pretty flowers and shrubs shaped into cute little bunnies and ducks? I’ll take it!

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It was also the day the Easter Bunny arrived at the Mall, so I got sneaky with my camera. I had hoped there would be frightened, crying children, but it was pretty early in the Bunny’s shift when I arrived.

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After that, I took a spin on three rides that I thought I could get away with sneaking photos on while I rode: the Skyscraper Ferris Wheel, the Treetop Tumbler, and the Screaming Yellow Eagle. I did not get any photos on the Eagle since I was only one of about six riders. Not hidden enough. Oh, well.

I rode the Ferris Wheel with a young high school girl who was visiting with friends for her Spring Break. She came from Cedar Rapids, IA. She thought I was a weirdo with my camera, I’m sure, but did extend a pity invite to ride on some other rides with her and her friends. (I politely turned her down.)

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And a brief stroll through Midway (where I saw some young men performing impressive moves on DDR)…

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Then I was off for my first trek into Underwater Adventures! Very expensive, but I justified the price by remembering that my rides were free (a coworker gave me some vouchers). Turtles, and sharks, and barracuda: Oh, my!

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(If only I had snapped this photo five seconds quicker – the turtle and the girl were nose-to-glass-to-nose!)

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(All of those little specks are recently born babies! Definitely the most heart-warming part of the whole Adventure.)

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There was a temporary exhibit about glass replicas of specimens: “Glass Sea Treasures of Harvard”

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To be quite honest, I took over 300 photos on Friday alone. What can I say? I’m really quite a fan of fish, turtles, and other creepy/slimy aquatic creatures. (I touched a mantis and a horseshoe crab, too.) I was pretty much in love with the whole place. I wish it didn’t cost so much. I could hang out and watch the creatures all day long.

On to Saturday! St. Patrick’s Day! Early on in the day I discovered the “color accent” setting on my camera, so a lot of my photos are black, white and green. I set out with a few others for the parade in St. Paul, the post-parade pub crawl, and a post-pub crawl evening at Minneapolis bars. It was a long day, but it was a lot of fun. Next St. Patrick’s Day, though? I think I’d be up for the parade, but then I’m gonna go home. Those pubs were a bit too crowded for my taste.

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(Sven Sundgaard is seriously oompa-loompa orange. I did get closer to him than this, but he was mobbed by girls.)

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(This is an authentic Irish piper—he played a version of “Amazing Grace” for us then got really cheesy. But he was nice, and funny, and we were all drunk and impressed.)

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(Do I look like I’ve been celebrating for 15 hours?)

Sunday consisted of not wanting to move from the couch. After a quick, greasy brunch, I watched movies on TBS all day. If I could re-do the holiday, I would drink more water and be productive on Sunday.

Some other notes of interest:

Note 1: I finally also uploaded my photos from the Plastic Chord show at the Hexagon. Most of them are blurry and that’s fine, because that is how I felt all night anyway.

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(I’ll be taking some wedding photos for this lovely couple in the summer! Joy!)

Note 2: Once I muster the motivation, I will most likely be paring down these albums to essential/awesome photos. I have a summer project in mind for adding URLs to the descriptions for each photo that I reference in these sort of posts so I don’t ever delete those and the entry that they’re summarized in is easier to find. Also I’d like to go through most of posts and add labels for each one. I am really a fan of tagging things.

Note 3: My Flash lessons are going well. Tomorrow I also start a three-day (9 hour) tutorial to learn Adobe Illustrator. I am going to be master of my digital domains (and I am constantly thinking about a new design for amy-berg.com, among other sites that I’m supposed to be working on). I can tell you right now, though, that summer won’t be long enough for all of the projects I want to get done.

Note 4: I’m already trying to decide which classes to take next semester. It’s just all so awesome and I don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done ever!

Okay, for real, y’all. I’m done now.

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