Sometimes I don’t move

I need to post some photos before the holi-daze hits! I am expecting mass quantities of offensive and embarrassing photos from the annual Fort Christmas party in Vermillion (it happens tomorrow already!). I also expect many photos while I bother my family and shove my camera in their faces yet again. Seriously, isn’t everyone used to my flash bulb by now?

Last Friday night started off pretty quiet. I took some photos of a candle that almost didn’t die (but then it did and I threw the remains away). It was Vanilla Mint and I acquired it during my aunt’s holiday party on the 10th. It went fast!

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Then Kristi and I watched a special Dateline NBC about internet predators. Watch out for this guy:

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And, I figured while I was taking boring photos, that I would document my pile of fish. I count 11 Eltons in this photo — and Mick’s tail is also visible. I never wanted this many fish, but I guess I love them anyway.

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Kristi and I finally got out of the house and went to Uptown to party with Paige for her birthday. We stopped at the Red Dragon, where the party was just ending — but some of the people there were moving across the street to Mortimer’s. So we went there, too.

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Saturday I was completely lame and only left the house once… to get the mail.

On Sunday, Kristi and I finished up our Christmas shopping in Roseville. I tried taking Santa’s photos at Rosedale, but I’m pretty sure the staff there was purposely trying to ruin my chances. Oh, well.

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Later in the afternoon, I made Karyn and Bryan go completely out of their way to pick me up for a game of Scrabble at the Chatterbox. Barry joined us and my first seven letters were the only seven I enjoyed.

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Barry bought “Hearts for Dummies” for Bryan, so we played that, too. Later that night, Kristi and I went to bother Jen while she wrote one of her final papers at the Radisson. She told us to stop distracting her, eventually, so Kristi played the piano and I bothered Jon and Lucas. I thought I took photos to document this, but I guess I didn’t. Oh, well.

On Monday, before Mary and I had to run to our Hollywood Musicals final exam, our employer, the Bell Museum, threw a holiday party for all of the staff. We got our buzz on and then ran to class.

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Last night, my pals, Plastic Chord, had a show at the Uptown Bar & Cafe. I was delighted to see Jason again — he has disappeared since Halloween. The set was also a bit longer, I thought, and they played some music I hadn’t heard performed live yet. It was a joyful evening for this little groupie! Kristi and I stuck around to chill with Rebecca, Orion and one of the Nicks. Then Irish Carbombs happened and I just took photos instead of taking a shot.

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