Saturday Saturday

Cathan joined Karyn and I at bellydancing this morning. She jumped right into class and had little problem learning the steps and lifts, from what I can tell. I’m going to credit this to her previous dance training and not blame my lack of experience. Or something.

Anyway, afterwards we walked the block to Victor’s 1959 Cafe. Second time I’ve been there and this time I got the same thing I had before (Dia Y Noche) and mango juice instead of guanabana juice. Black beans are grrrreat. I’m considering cooking up the same thing for breakfast tomorrow, but the only spicy sauce I have is smoked Tobasco sauce. Um, anyway. Babbling.

Had a quiet afternoon. Came home and read “The 37th Hour” for a while before falling asleep again. Then just lazed around the house… I baked a cake and watched most of “Coming to America” with Kristi and Ellie. Then Ellie and I watched an old episode of ER and I discovered that Mariska Hargitay used to have a recurring role! She was much girlier then. I like her on SVU more.

Speaking of, I’m completely lame this weekend. Did anyone spend their Friday night (last night) waiting for the premiere of the new Dick Wolf show, Conviction? I did. ๐Ÿ™‚



oh yeah, mariska was a wacky gal back then b/c she thought she and mark totally had a relationship but he didn’t and in the end she leaves b/c she’s so embarassed


All the more reason to get the early seasons of ER on DVD and review. I just don’t remember important things like this!


Darnit, I meant to watch/tape Conviction too. Gotta support J August in his post-Angel career.

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