rockin the garden 2011


this year, vani was my date for rock the garden. she is an awesome date, by the way! you are jealous.

@ rock the garden 2011

it was actually sorta fun to hang out in the rain and drizzle all afternoon. we fortified ourselves with summit beer and fabulous food from the chef shack (bison burger and bacon beer brats, drool).


i borrowed jason’s barenaked ladies poncho for the occasion and felt like a pretty terrible girlfriend when the neckline ripped pretty early on. does anyone know where i can buy a replacement? or maybe i can get him something awesome when we’re in san francisco in four and a half days eeeeeeee!!


i was trying to find vani and myself in the time-lapse video, but there are just too many people and we all look like ants!


social media in the rain is tough. i was typing from under my poncho.


kristi and jared shared our sitting area. somehow they walked right by us, which is amazing. seriously, there were so many people.

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that’s neko case. she sounded positively delightful. also, the zoom on my camera sorta sucks. i think it’s almost time for a new point and shoot… any recommendations?

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okay, so i also enjoyed the heck out of a gyro. it seemed like everyone around me was enjoying them, so i had to have my own later in the evening.


my cute date and me.


my charming landlords.


in this photo, kristi is waiting for jared to return from the barrio food truck with “like, a million tacos.” (he came back with one of each!)


i’m always makin’ friends with nature. as long as the nature isn’t in my house, you know?


barry and stacia joined our excellent spot for a better view of my morning jacket.

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that’s mark wheat in the fuzzy distance.

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this guy started a beach ball that bounced around to the front of the audience during the first few songs of my morning jackets’ setlist. way to go, beach ball guy! he was really proud of himself.


oh, we also ate the hell out of some fries.

i danced. everything was so wet and muddy! it was pretty fun.


see that beach ball?! yeah.

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meanwhile, sunset.

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i love you, rock the garden! see you next year!

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