Last weekend, I attended another wedding party for Bertine — also known as “my first quilting bee.” And, according to Bertine’s plan, the desire to make my own quilt is overwhelming lately.

Bertine has been quilting-central all year long, so a few of her family members decided to host the bee as a sort of wedding shower. The quilt we worked on was for Bertine and Zach, of course.

I can’t resist cake pops. Are they the best new thing ever, or what?

Bertine’s brother, Jens, was really into the whole production, too — which is awesome.

Step one: complete!

There is a lot of ironing involved in quilting. I will need to get a larger ironing board if I actual pursue my dream in 2012.

One of the duties for the day was to hold Kethry, Bertine’s new niece.

Here is where all of the pieces started to come together…

Bertine was using the “Caramel and Cocoa” pattern from Amanda Murphy.

See how it’s coming together? Pretty neat!

This is the prettiest bobbin case I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

I held Kethry for a while before I left. That was the easiest job of the day — she was sleeping the whole time! (What do babies dream about?)

I wanted to stay for the final product, but had evening plans with my mister. Luckily, Bertine posted a photo of the quilt top after everything had been sewn together — so I stole this from her Facebook page to share with you. Looks great to me!

My first quilt pattern (which cost a whole $1.50) arrived in the mail over the weekend. Hopefully I’ll get it made for sharing in early 2012!
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