Progress Report: 101 Goals in 1001 Days

May was a fun month!

What I completed:

  1. Paint living room and dining room completed 5/20/2013 (now to paint the hall and the kitchen…)
  2. Visit 20 new-to-me restaurants in the Twin Cities completed 05/06/2013
    1. BLVD – 05/06/2013
    2. Potter’s Pasties & Pies – 05/20/2013
    3. Obento-Ya – 05/30/2013
    4. Birdtown Café – 05/31/2013

    (I had so much fun recording when I was visiting new-to-me restaurants, I guess I couldn’t stop.)

  3. Visit the Robbinsdale History Museum completed 05/24/2013

What’s in progress:

  1. Bake 20 new-to-me recipes
    1. Soft Peanut Butter M&M Cookies – 05/03/2013
  2. Put $20 into savings for each completed task on this list, and $50 for each non-completed task
    ($380 due for 19 completed items)
  3. Learn to crochet (Aunt Renee got me going on May 25th — I’ll consider myself “taught” when I’ve completed my first crocheted item!)

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