Progress Report: 101 Goals in 1001 Days

oh, shoot! is it a new month again already? here’s what happened during april:

  1. Visit 20 new-to-me restaurants in the Twin Cities
    1. Kobe – 04/10/2013
    2. New Bohemia – 04/17/2013
  2. Cook 30 new-to-me recipes
    1. Amazing Slow Cooker Chocolate Cake – 04/14/2013
  3. Complete Project 356 again – started 01/01/2013
  4. Be free of credit card debt.
  5. Put $20 into savings for each completed task on this list, and $50 for each non-completed task
    ($320 due for 16 completed items)
  6. Finish my Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban-style Ravenclaw house scarf

and items i completed — yay!

  1. Arrange a song (for potential use by my choir) completed 04/30/2013 (thanks, Val!)
  2. Complete a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle completed 04/06/2013
    (I’d show you a photo of the finished product, but I can’t because it was a WASGIJ puzzle and I don’t want to ruin it for anyone else!)
  3. Attend five professional development conferences/workshops completed 04/06/2013
    1. minnebar – 04/06/2013

view the whole list »

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