Photographs Amplified

It has been quite a while since I’ve written. I’m always thinking about writing, but I never seem to get around to it. This will be brief since it is, after all, not even 8am on a Saturday, and I think I’m almost ready to go back to bed.

Jen came to visit and I took some silly photos with my RAZR: click here for photos.

Karyn and Bryan moved into their new house last weekend. They hired movers, so we didn’t have to fuss too much with that stuff. Dad and Ryan came up to help—reframing doorways and painting K & B’s bedroom. There was a lot of moving around of boxes, which was probably the most exhausting part. Boxes are heavy.

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I went to Voltage on Wednesday, which was super fun. Crappy photos from my RAZR are here.

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The Alarmists were super cute.

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Rebecca is a birthday girl on Monday. Happy birthday, darling!

And I’ve spent the last two days on my couch/in the bathroom with the most horrible bout of food poisoning or flu or something equally as disgusting. My stomach is still feeling just a titch squiggly, but I’m hoping to get out into nature and take a walk today.

That is, of course, after I go back to bed for a few hours. Good morning!

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