Peeping Fish

Found another ant this morning, this time in the kitchen… They were really bad during the winter of 2004–2005, but I set out some super-mega-ant-killing traps and they went away… until now!

But I am moving in 10 days so hopefully their colony lies low until after I leave.

I really hope I don’t have to deal with ants in my new apartment, but I will be armed with more super-mega-ant-killing traps if I need to be!

In other news, I’m still wondering how I’m going to move my fish. I debated letting the water evaporate all month so I might be able to just carry them in the aquarium. About a week ago the water was getting low and the filter still needed to run and it was very noisy at night and it was interrupting my sleep. So that didn’t work. My cousin, Jamie (an animal lover, groomer and girl with good ideas) suggested getting one of those small styrofoam coolers (since I have many many catfish, a poo-eater, and one little tetra), putting some of the water from the aquarium in it, then putting the fish in there and of course I could do that. But then I’m wondering how it would work to get them back into the aquarium once it’s set-up at the new apartment. Give them a waterfall dump into the aquarium? I dunno. I don’t wish death on the fish, but it would be so much easier to just start a new aquarium with new fish. Maybe I could get ones that weren’t suicidal. Also I’ve noticed that the poo-eater likes to watch me and that creeps me out. I’ve got a peeping Mick.

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