Paint Painting Painted

The kitchen before:

kitchen wallpaper

kitchen cabinetry

And after (not put back together yet, oops):

kitchen paint

kitchen cabinetry

I love the yellow, but now the next big project (maybe next Spring) will be painting all of the cabinetry white. And should I re-tile the backsplash? Decisions, decisions.

The living room before:

living room alcove

living room south

And after:

living room alcove

living room south

Thanks to Matt of Tapes ‘N Tapes for the very comfortable sofa. (Proof that even rock stars use craigslist!) Additional thanks to Jason for finding it and getting it to my apartment! Now I need to re-hang my curtains and find some art. Maybe someday I’ll even take the painters’ tape down.

living room

I just can’t stop admiring it — I am loving all of the colors!

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