I haven’t completely formed all of my thoughts yet, but I’ve been having a great week. Image Explorations was great—I learned a lot about Photoshop and photography and met very awesome people. I would easily attend again. Victoria and the surrounding area is just lovely. Even the ditches on the side of the road were beautiful!
Currently, I’m at The Bean Tree in Morton, Washington while Jen runs lights for the theatre across the street. We made a trip to Mt. Ranier national park yesterday, though it’s been too foggy and rainy for mountain viewing. Today we’re heading to Olympia and tomorrow we’ll be in Seattle. Which means that my trip is coming to a close…
Photos will be up… sometime… I have a lot of to do when I return to Minneapolis (learn a new camera, photograph a wedding, pack & move, etc.). I’ll have more to share than this, though. I assure you.
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