Of course I went overboard

I was planning to only sing a few different Heart songs last night at Legend’s karaoke, because usually, on a decent karaoke night, I only get to sing 3 or 4 songs. Well, my friends, it was very dead. I think I submitted 10 solo songs and sang 9 of them (I eventually strayed from Heart — but I got five of those songs in). I also sang a duet with Kristi (which never happens and maybe we need to practice once we start our rockin’ piano/clarinet/flute/accordion band). Jen and Barry also joined us at 10pm. Other people were there. Regulars such as James (the karaoke artist formerly known as “LL Cool J”) and The Ramones Guy (who I appreciate as a karaoke comrade, but am not a fan of) arrived late and left too early. There were a few other random people who made me start thinking that perhaps I’m becoming the worst of the karaoke snobs. I must chill! Anyway. Everyone had basically cleared out by 1am, so the four us had the “Karaoke must go on!” attitude and stayed, just to sing songs with/for Brenda and various Legend’s staff. I was drinking water all night, but staying out until 2am combined with not getting sleep due to cats at Janet’s house for a month is just not good. I am super tired today and ranting. Grumpy. Impatient. I just wanna nap. I also want to sleep in my own bed. Janet returns in one week and then I’m never leaving Nordeast again. Except for when I go to Vermillion next weekend, though that is still tentative, I guess.

P.S. I have absolutely nothing planned/penciled in until the end of March. Not even for work. For real. It is so weird knowing that I won’t have any homework-related stress. I may never go back to school, it might be too fabulous being FREE and lazy.

I want to go home and lay on my man-eating couch and turn into a squishy pile of apathy. To the tune of ER.

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