kristi and i went for a walk around our neighborhood yesterday. the smell of lilacs is stuck in my nose.

i’ve decided i really like purple flowers.

this weekend was art-a-whirl in northeast minneapolis. kristi and i visited “johnstock” on johnson street ne and 29th avenue. we even toured the old hollywood theater – that was awesome!

this is the main entrance. i don’t think any of it is renovated yet, but there will still be a show hosted there soon. “waiting for godot” by theatre pro rata debuts in july.

it’s a huge, amazing space. very impressive. i admit i was also looking for orbs. (i haven’t watched enough ghost hunters lately, i suppose.)

i would’ve really liked to see what was at the bottom of these stairs, but they were closed to the public.

then we crossed the street to see a bunch of crafty booths and live music.

pretty low key, but the sun had only recently come out of hiding after a very rainy morning.

stopped at the coffee shop ne for a cherry french soda. felt like a kid again.

this is a medium, guys. YUM.

sorry about your typo. i’m sure your clothes and bags will be cute regardless.

free wine? of course i’ll come visit!

audubon park is much prettier than this photo.

we felt very awkward in this studio because we felt like we were wandering into someone’s house (humans win!) but at least picked up a great compilation of local music. chris koza, caroline smith & the goodnight sleeps, halloween, alaska and many others.

cute backyard, too.

weird and i want one!

as we headed home, we saw the nordeast turkeys. kristi decided this was a bit of good luck. i’ll take it!

we also took a break in the park, sitting among the dandelions and soaking up some vitamin d.

so bright.

ant on my leg, whatchu doin’.

kristi crafted a fantastic dandelion crown.

lily of the valley, ahh

this is in my neighborhood, too.

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