My Halloween P.M.


The Plastic Chord show last night was a hoot… I took about a million photos because they were all especially photogenic last night. I did not, however, take any photos with my phone during the show.

Afterwards I felt naughty because I went for a late night enchilada with Jason and a new friend, Maren, at Little Tijuana’s. They had never been before and I hope I didn’t make it sound more awesome than it is (though it is quite awesome). Little T’s is great and thinking of it gives me warm fuzzies.

I got to bed around 1:30am and I am surprisingly capable today. Even without giving in to the temptation of buying a chai! The whole evening (and my chipper attitude today) just proves that I am more awesome as a sober photographer chick. Another lesson learned.

Anyway, the photos that I didn’t promise you last night and the photos that I took last night will be coming to you on Friday. I have the day off from work so I can study for the looming GRE test (Tuesday! Eep!) but I will find a half hour to upload photos.

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