My First Fridge Pickles


i tried making my first batch of refrigerator pickles with a few of the cucumbers from my garden, but i’m not sure this is the best recipe. it’s a basic recipe anyway.


i started by putting the following together in a sauce pan:

1 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup white sugar

i boiled and stirred until the sugar dissolved.


6 cups sliced cucumbers (i think i sliced up one regular-sized cucumber and two pickling cucumbers)
1 cup sliced onions (i obviously had way more than this)
1 cup sliced green peppers
(and i sliced up one serrano pepper for one of the jars — i hope it’s a spicy batch!)


i also added a shake of both mustard seed and celery seed into the top of every jar, then i poured the vinegar mixture in.


2 days after canning - do these fridge pickles need more vinegar?

the vinegar mixture didn’t make enough for 4 pints, so i gave them a few days to settle then i topped ’em off with water. i haven’t tasted anything yet (i’m waiting the recommended 10 days, per the recipe), but i’m on the search for further refinements to the recipe. do you have any tips on making fridge pickles? or a favorite recipe? i’d love to hear ’em!

i have at least 4 more cucumbers growing as i type, so i’m going need to figure out what to do with them soon!

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