for christmas, i gave jason two tickets to see the minnesota wild play the boston bruins. the game was a couple weeks ago, on a very special “hockey day in america.” our seats were right behind the penalty box. we recorded the game and recently reviewed the first period — my face (and my iphone) was broadcast on nbc across the country for about 5 seconds! so exciting.

this was our view.

those are bruins.

this was the first puck drop.

this was a photo i took to try to text-to-win something. (unfortunately i had almost no reception, so the text never went through. who knows what i could’ve had!)

these are regional college sports mascots that were goofing around during a break. (what do you call that time between periods? certainly it’s not halftime…)

this bulldog (from umn duluth, i think) was bowing down to jason’s bruins (last year’s stanley cup champs) hat.

this is the moment my iphone became famous on tv.

these are the nachos i ate during the second period.

this was a pretty gnarly fight in the third period. (jason later shook that bruins’ hand.)

we got a tip from one of the security folks at the xcel, so after the game we decided to wander around downtown st. paul for a while. also, we wanted to avoid a bit of the traffic.

we ended up at pazzaluna for a short happy hour. we ordered the fried gorgonzola gnocchi. it was pretty yum.

but i decided to take a picture of my napkin instead.
in unrelated news, i am having some issues on my little blog. it would seem that i’ve somehow been hacked (probably through a plug-in), so i’m not sure what i need to do next but i sure know that i need to do a back up! ugh.
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