Happy July 4th!

I hope you all get to enjoy some lovely fireworks this evening. I will be oohing and ahhing with the best of ’em. I will also be entertaining my sister, her husband and a couple of her friends before heading down to the Stonearch Bridge before dusk.

Here’s my problem: lack of motivation. I have uploaded all sorts of photos to share with you, but I just can’t seem to motivate myself to create the template for photo pages. It’ll be super easy, of course, but… I guess the daunting task is resizing photos and picking out thumbnails and such. One of these days I’ll get around to doing that. I’m headed home to Vermillion this next weekend, so maybe I’ll get something done on my mom’s computer while she’s at work. Or maybe I’ll just watch cable TV until my brain turns to mush.

There are a lot of cool places in the Twin Cities. I’ve recently visited the new Walker Art Center (it was a “field trip” for work), the Chatterbox Pub, the 400 Bar and the Black Forest Inn. I’ve been a few other places, too, but I feel these deserve an honorable mention.

On a completely different subject, I was looking for jasmine rice at Rainbow and it didn’t seem to exist there. That stinks.

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