Giveaway Day!

Giveaway Day 2012

Last year I spent an embarrassing amount of time pouring over new-to-me blogs, leaving comments and trying to win anything. A known fact about me: I have no luck. (Okay, very little luck, anyway.) I didn’t win a darn thing! I’m heading to Las Vegas next week, though, so I’m trying a new tactic this year — maybe spreading some luck to the crafting community on the web will bring a little luck back to me!


Tahki’s “Capri” is a basic, wide, ribbon yarn made from 100% Egyptian cotton. I have 4 skeins to give away and each skein is 52 yards. It is color 015 (somewhat denim-looking) and dye lot 6292.

I will be choosing a random winner from those that answer this question:
Do you feel lucky?


This giveaway is open until December 7 at 7:00p.m. central standard time. One entry per person. I’m sorry, but I cannot ship internationally.

Thanks for visiting and I’m looking forward to reading your answers! Good luck!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who visited and congratulations to Nicole!


Liz Alma

I am lucky in life…great husband, two kids, two dogs and a happy home. 🙂
Now, I have my fingers crossed because I am NOT very lucky at winning things. I didn’t win anything last year either! But I hope you win tons in Vegas and some fun stuff from SMS giveaways this year too!


I do feel luck right now! I recently won a small prize on a blog giveaway.

J Mars

Oh yes..I feel very lucky. 🙂 Ha ha!

COOL yarn!

Abbi Cobb

I feel lucky. My husband always says when we play games that I have all the luck (and he thinks he has the best strategy but my luck causes me to win).


When I try something for the first, I usually win. Then, I lose at it for the rest of my life!

Lisa Cox

I consider myself somewhat lucky.  I seem to have good luck at winning books on book blogs.  LOL
But when it comes to big stuff, I have no luck at all. 

Amy @ SewIncrediblycrazy

You are probably lucky in other things. I usually am as lucky as you! Good luck in Las Vegas! And yes, I feel lucky!

Cindy Louise

I am afraid my luck is similar to yours! Perhaps we can change both of our lucks!

Abigail Lee

I feel.. moderately lucky… 😉
abigail [dot} lee {at] gmail {dot] com


I do feel lucky. Very. So, a question for you ~ what would you make with this yarn? I was at good will and picked up a bag of misc yarn for $10 (had about $500 in yarn in it ~ lots of cashmere and alpaca, (see, told you I was lucky.) Anyway, there is a similar type yarn in the bag. Any ideas? Thanks!


I do…I usually feel very lucky…or I’d rather call it blessed. Once i won a giveaway to have a professional chef come to my home once a week to prepare a meal for 4 for a full year. Since i have older daughters that help me cook, and we have a family of 6….this didn’t quite fit the bill for my family…so I opted to take the cash value which was $9,000!!!! This happened many years ago, but I still remember finding out I’d won. It was very special.

Debra Lee

I am pretty lucky. I won a laptop of the radio and $1000 dollars twice!

Becky Greene

I have always been very lucky – knock on wood – and maybe a bit superstitious.  Thanks for the chance to win – the yarn looks wonderful!


No, I’m not lucky either – I didn’t win last year either.  But I’m always hopeful.  Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.

Yukon Viv

I’ve learned that my version of lucky doesn’t work in Vegas or with weekend lottery tickets. 

I may not win $1 million BUT…I found a stray Halloween chocolate bar that my kids somehow missed the other day…yay me!  


I have the worst luck when it comes to giveaways, but maybe this time I’ll be lucky!

Yukon Viv

I’m so sorry I missed the part about only shipping in the US…please remove my entry!!! (sorry it’s way early here LOL)


My luck is up and down, but the 7th is my birthday, so I am hoping for a little birthday luck this year!  Thanks for the giveaway!


I’m not usually lucky, but I have won a few things here and there!

Sarah Hall

Do I feel lucky?  Yes, in an always one step ahead of imminent disaster kind of way….


I am feeling more blessed than lucky. I have a new baby girl to snuggle!

Alyssa Bangs

I feel like I’m generally lucky when I need to be. But I am generally optimistic, so I might just not think about the bad luck when it happens. Thanks for the giveaway!


Great question – yes,! feel lucky.  (If not this giveaway, perhaps another!)


I feel so lucky!  Not as in I win stuff, but lucky in that I am blessed with a wonderful life, good health, an amazing family and a very positive outlook.


I don’t FEEL lucky… but I KNOW I am my Dad’s favorite, and that really goes far beyond luck… it’s an identity of awesomeness that transcends pretty much everything. So yep… Awesome > lucky! 😉


yikes, I never feel lucky with these things, but I’m crossing my fingers with giveaway day this year!

starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com


 I feel lucky.  I’m not lucky with giveaways but I’m definitely lucky and blessed in other parts of life.  Thanks for the giveaway!

Rocio H.

Most of the time I feel lucky, but I don’t really win too much either. We can dream about it though =)

Katie McLain

I am intrigued by this yarn. I feel lucky most of the time, but not when it comes to giveaways online (or the lottery).


Looks like fun to work with and create with!

pinkscissorsdesign @gmail. com


I like the color of the yarn and it looks like a fun type of yarn to work with.
Most of the time I don’t feel lucky, and I don’t have much luck in giveaways usually… but I try to tell myself that I AM lucky to have what I already have now 🙂

lucy.chen848 (at) gmail dot com


Do I feel lucky?  Well, I don’t think I’d still but up at this hour if I didn’t at least feel a little lucky so . .  . yes, I’d say I’m feeling lucky.  Love your blog!


I am very lucky – not necessarily in giveaways but in the things that matter most.  Thanks for the chance to win this lovely prize!

Kathe Gardner

 Depends on life – at things like this?  No!  On some of my life – you bet.  Thanks.

kathy zelazny

Absolutely-even when things are not going so well. I always try to see the positive! Thanks so much!


 I’ve actually won quite a few books through conferences for participating on Twitter or asking questions! Whatever works, I suppose. 🙂


 I’m sort of surprised that you’re the only person to reply with this! Well done!


 Oh, wow! That sounds amazing! Having a personal chef for a week would be so great… but I might opt to take the cash, too. 🙂


 Thank you for letting me know! Hopefully next time I’ll be able to ship anywhere!


Haha! Yep, I feel lucky! Even if I don’t win….I love finding new and interesting blogs!


I am generally very UNLUCKY, but I do manage to win one of these usually every time. Yahoo !


I do feel lucky most of the time!!  Sometimes I just need a reality check:)  Thanks for the giveaway!  Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Melinda Johnston

I was feeling pretty hopeful until I read your post about your experience last year – LOL! Maybe I will still have some luck.

Rebecca Thackaberry

I usually have no luck… But was just in Vegas and won $30 on penny slots and came home to find out I won one of those Verismo coffee machines from Starbucks! So I’m hoping my lucky streak is still going…


I’m not usually that lucky. Though I have won a few giveaways which is always exciting to me. It’s fun though to hope! Fingers crossed 🙂

Mary Ann

My family is healthy and we have everything we need.  I am so lucky!


I’m lucky because my family and I have our health, a roof over our heads, and jobs to go to.  Nothing else matters.  Maybe I’ll be lucky in your giveaway too!  Thanks!


I’m lucky! And I know it because even tho I was so sick last night that I spent all day in bed recovering, I got to spend all day in bed with my furry purry kitty! ;)  AND I even have a Theo chocolate bar to nibble on!

Erin Geiger

According to my sister, yes, I am lucky. Guess we will see what Friday brings!


not sure.. keeping my fingers crossed

thanks for the giveawayradiyas(at)gmail(dot)com

Angie Stevens

I’m not feeling too lucky today, but that yarn would make a nice hat.

Nicole Sender

I feel somewhat lucky! This yarn looks like it would be fun to knit with!

Cecilia White

Oh I am definitely not very lucky.. however, I do tend to win things when it involves skill so I can’t complain too much 🙂

Wendi Mihalik

Oh no, not really.  But I have won the occasional blog giveaway, and that is always fun!  Good luck in Las Vegas!


me me me luck luck luck – maybe if i say it a few more times i can spread some your way too 🙂


No, I am probably wasting my time in all of these giveaways! Thank you for the chance, though!


Yes, I feel lucky in life. I am so blessed and lucky to have loving people around me and opportunities I wish everyone had. Here’s to making the world a better place for everyone! (Thanks for the giveaway, too.)

Amber Wiley

I do feel lucky.  I should get off my lucky butt and get sewing instead of web surfing. Sweet of you to give a little away. 


I never FEEL lucky, but I have won some items online before. I’m always very shocked though!


Not today. My little guy won’t get better!
peachstateme at hotmail dot com


I have not had good luck recently, but I WANT to feel lucky. Beautiful yarn – thanks for the opportunity!
handmadebytracie at gmail dot com


Thanks for the chance to win!  I hope you have better luck this go round if you enter any of the fabulous giveaways!


I would say I, like you, am normally very unlucky. I did the same as you last year, then this year decided I would go ahead and give something away and hope for some friendly karma 🙂 So technically – not feeling very lucky at all, punk.Thanks for the chance to win this delightful looking yarn… I have never made anything with a wide ribbon yarn but I am loving the color and the texture! Cheers and good luck at the slots or the tables – or both! kat129(at)gmail(dot)com

kelli w

I love this giveaway!  I do not consider myself usually lucky, but I am hopeful that I am very lucky this giveaway round…

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