friday night bloggin’

it has been a week, my friends. i vaguely remember when i used to have energy left to go do something fabulous on friday nights, but mostly now i just want to be home and cozy and cuddling the kitties and watching stupid movies or tv shows that don’t make me think.

but let me tell you about something i’m thinking about.


we had a chili cook-off at work today.

i know, i know — so what? well. it was delicious, and perfectly timed (minnesota just got freakin’ cold in the last couple of days), and now i would like to eat chili all weekend long.


but tomorrow i’m going to go to another nerdy, free conference (twin cities code camp) for at least half the day. free pizza for lunch, but maybe they’ll have chili pizza? probably not.


i wonder how that would be…


on sunday i’ve been invited to both a tupperware party and a clothing swap. which means i should probably peruse a catalog and maybe go through my closet to purge.

or maybe i should go through all of the photos i took in new england last month and post some of the fun details. i have an aunt and uncle out that way this week and they are posting photos on facebook and making me look like a chump.

oh, that ever expanding to do list…

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