Finished Object: Chevron Baby Blanket


Pattern: “Chevron Baby Blanket” by Purl Soho
Made For: baby Peasley, due in August
Needle: US 11/8.0mm
Yarn: many colors of Rowan Handknit Cotton
Completed: March 12, 2014


This project has been waiting a while for it’s unveiling because I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for the first-time parents. Mama-to-be Mary’s friends hosted a baby shower for her this past Saturday, so I can finally share photos.

This was a fun pattern — and so quick! It helps that the yarn was doubled and therefore more chunky than usual.


It’s about 3/4 of the width of a full-size bed, so hopefully that means this blanket will work for baby Peasley for quite some time. I can’t wait to meet him!

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