Farewell, Queen Mary



i’m reliving the sunset on that final night aboard the queen mary. waiting for the alleged green spark is not the same, though, when the horizon is not ocean. (there were quite a few packing ships between me and ocean view, in that direction anyway.) still a nice, warm memory to have, though.


i enjoyed the view from my porthole a little bit more on my final morning, too.


between waking up and grabbing breakfast before heading to the airport, i realized that i hadn’t really taken many photos of the interior of the boat — such gorgeous art deco detailing!


I could look at this all day long.

this was a prime spot. there were just a couple adirondack chairs on this deck and i may or may not have taken a brief rest in a sunbeam while overlooking this view.


but for as beautiful as it all was (the art deco designs and the weather), the inside of the boat was still kinda creepy.


this mermaid was the art in my room.



and there were still remnants of a long history for the boat around my room, too. those water options on the tub still spit out water, though i didn’t investigate too much to see whether they were actually fresh vs. salt water.


i’ll confess that i might have had some leftovers from roscoe’s that i was throwing out of my porthole to see what the birds would do. it got a little scary, but i grabbed an awesome slow-motion video before i panicked and closed the window. (i seriously thought they were going to fly into my room!)

I mean, these birds know what an open porthole might mean (FOOD). #slowmo

A video posted by Amy (@p0rk_chop) on

he looked right at me! auugh!


there was a little area with modern workout equipment, but there were two rooms of equipment from the 30s-50s as your walked in the door.


and of course there was a travel agency aboard the boat, too.


i definitely climbed those historic steps. carefully.


i didn’t spend a lot of time inside of the art deco lounge, but I did spend a couple happy hours at its outdoor patio — really, the only patio aboard the boat.


the lifeboats don’t look like they’d be very comfortable.


arrested development filmed here!


shuffleboard deck! i wonder how well it worked.


okay, so now I’m wandering quickly, trying to see everything i might have missed. i’m also not seeing any other humans, though, so i’m getting kinda jumpy.


tihs is the most i got to see of the allegedly super haunted pool. maaaaan, i wanted to experience that room so much! i missed out.


i found this door to a “nursery” in what felt like the creepy basement of the boat. and i am totally freaked out now, because i rounded a corner and some woman came out of a doorway and passed in front of me really quickly. i’m pretty sure she wasn’t a ghost, but i jumped about 10 feet in the air anyway (or at least my heart felt like i had).


had to get a selfie with the adorable concierge bear.


thanks for the memories, queen mary! you were fantastic.

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