Cloverleaf Rolls


I’ll preface this by saying that I’m a wee bit obsessed inspired by one particular food blog lately: How Sweet It Is. Because another kitchen experiment I performed over the last weekend is also from this site.

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This was a pretty extreme kitchen experiment for me — making bread. And now?


Man, do I wish I had a stand mixer with a dough mixing attachment. Because my hand mixer really didn’t work.

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And I didn’t really dig kneading or mixing with my actual hand, either.

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I enjoyed taking photos of the process, but the result was not quite what I was hoping for. The rolls were quite dense and not as buttery as they could have been. I don’t think I have the proper tools in my kitchen (in fact, I started an Amazon wishlist to add to as I continue my little experiments).

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I made these the night before our Thanksgiving feast. I wonder if they’d have been better if I had baked them the same day as the feast? I was already feeling over-committed a couple days prior to the dinner, though, so I don’t think I could’ve taken care of these while I was cooking everything else.


They were great for soaking up the gravy left on the plate, though.

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