Cat Sitting and Beyond

I went to visit Janet this morning. She’s leaving for the airport (to fly to New Zealand for her annual month-long trip) in approximately an hour. Harley, of course, ran away. I think there was too much hustle and bustle around the house and all he could do was hide from me! Dot was out and about, though. She followed us around the house and started rolling around, just waiting and begging for attention. What a cute little cat. She’s all roly-poly like the South Dakota squirrels! I will enjoy having some kitties lay all over me tonight as I try to sleep and probably fail.

So, tonight I begin the cat-/house-sitting gig. Janet returns to Minneapolis the night of January 26th, which means I’ll be returning my parents’ car (which they loaned to me for the purpose of getting between home and the cat-house with ease) the weekend of the 28th and probably witness midgets wrestling for the second time. It’s becoming an annual event in my life, I guess.

Oh, I have work to do. Hopefully this afternoon I’ll get to loading the photos from last night. But I’m not promising.

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