on friday night i joined about 300 other people at the barnes & noble in edina to listen to and meet the Bloggess, Jenny Lawson.
i had made some tentative plans with jason that evening, but when it looked like those wouldn’t work out, he encouraged me to go to the reading, saying, “maybe that is a first step to your dream career.”
it’s true: i’m envious of the lives of professional bloggers. seemingly having all of the fun and reporting back! this is what i’d love to do, but unfortunately blogging doesn’t pay very much when you only have about 12 readers. (though i love each and every one of you.)
and so i sat in the romance section (because, seriously, the place was packed) for a good long time while waiting for my chance to rub elbows with a real, live pro-blogger. and i read the first few chapters of her book while i waited, giggling quietly to myself.
there were a couple beyonces in attendance.
her reading choice was hilarious — and she was super adorable. i appreciated the confession of needing a lot of therapy in order to deal with the anxiety of being in the spotlight on a book tour.
and, of course, when it was my chance to meet her, i got all star struck and tongue-tied. “a friend and i love your hunter s. thomcat!” and i almost forgot to get into the photo with her.
i confess that i’m a new reader, having just been introduced to her blog about a week ago. (thanks, bertine!) i am looking forward to becoming a regular reader! and being inspired by another blogger’s style — maybe i should start swearing more?
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