Today’s general session was hosted by Adobe’s Tim Buntel and Ben Forta. I unfortunately didn’t grab any video, but it was also very clever. They acted out a scenario that would involve a design team, a development team, and a deployment team to create one product with a seamless workflow. It was great to see all of the various Adobe Products (InDesign, Photoshop, Flash, ColdFusion, etc.) working together and across various teams set up on the stage.

Today’s sessions and labs were:
- Getting Started with ActionScript 3.0
hosted by Lou Barber - Designing and Building Web Experiences in Flash CS4 Professional
hosted by Lee Brimelow - Flash CS4 Professional: Deep Dive with the Product Manager
hosted by Richard Galvan
At the end of the day, Adobe hosted a customer appreciation event at the California Academy of Sciences and the de Young Museum of Art — “Where Art Meets Science.” It was such an awesome night! We only had three hours to see and do everything, but David and I managed to squeeze nearly everything in… Here’s some of what we saw (links to photos):
- The Theramin Lounge
- Contortionists
- Underwater Worlds
- Africa
- Dinosaurs
- The Living Roof of the California Academy of Sciences
- The Morrison Planetarium
- Sculpture by Maya Lin
- A 360° view of San Francisco
- Yves Saint Laurent
- Buildings made of Bullets

We ran around so quickly that I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch of other awesome things. It was a great night!
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