A very merry un-holiday

Today is another unofficial un-University holiday party for the staff at the Bell. We’re going to a coworker’s house, which is hidden deep in the ‘burbs somewhere and I’m sure I’ll get lost but that’s okay. I love adventure! I’ll take photos there because I haven’t taken any photos for a couple days. I am a disgrace to the photographing disease!

Also, last night at Janet’s house, I had a dream that I was cat-sitting (how appropriate) and the house I was in was haunted by something angry. I kept finding couch cushions strewn about various rooms and other creepy things. I didn’t mind it while I was sleeping but I did when I woke up this morning. It helped that Dot was laying on my legs because if there was really something freaky around, the cats would know first, right? Maybe I rely on them for protection too much.

Only three weeks until Janet returns from New Zealand. The past week went by quickly! I’m so glad it’s Friday. I am so sleeping in tomorrow morning. I think I might come back to the Bell tomorrow afternoon, though, and scan some of my old negatives. I’m really itching to do real developing and photo printing again, but it’s too expensive to take more of those classes right now. I need to focus on paying off my student loans. Yuck.

Other exciting news! I just upgraded my calling plan with Verizon and they told me that I will be eligible for the $100 phone rebate on March 7, 2006! Camera phone: here I come!

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