Twins win!

This is old news by now, but the Twins have been doing quite well in their new home: Target Field. A couple weeks ago, Jason and I went to see them play and it was such a good game! We had sunshine, the front row, a home run, and a winning game! I’m definitely looking forward to my next trip to the field.

Entering Target Field

Panorama from the second floor

Me and the Captain

Of course I got sucked into the photo op.

Target Field and Downtown Minneapolis

Me and Jason

My sunglasses are about twice the size of his. Because I’m so stylish, you know.

Jason and the jumbo screen

Smoke from Game Opening Fireworks

I kept missing the little pops of fireworks, but catching the smoke afterwards! I needed about three more of me to get all of the photos I wanted to get during exciting times.


Panorama from our seats

Minne and Paul

The neon Minne and Paul were so very cool — a lovely throw-back to the Twins from long ago. Everything about this stadium was sort of touching and awesome like that.

Also: the toilets had two options for flushing in an effort to conserve water! I get excited about being eco-friendly.

Thank you for visiting

Target Field, Gate 34

(I would like to note that although the game I’m reporting about in these photos was a couple weeks ago, the Twins won at Target Field yet again tonight. Go team!)

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