30 Days of MEme

In lieu of participating in NaNoWriMo (because I just don’t have the attention span) (and I’m very busy with knitting in my free time) (also, any novel I write would be about me anyway), I’m going to try to answer one of these everyday in November.

Here’s how it goes down:
Day 01 – Introduce yourself

More Mod than Disco

Day 02 – Your first love
Day 03 – Your parents
Day 04 – Your music
Day 05 – Your definition of love
Day 06 – Your hobbies
Day 07 – Your best friend

@ kitty cat klub photo booth

Day 08 – A precious item
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 11 – Your siblings
Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Day 13 – Your mode of transportation

(207/365) @ morrie's subaru

Day 14 – Where you live
Day 15 – Your childhood
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory


Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret
Day 20 – Your morning routine
Day 21 – Your job and/or schooling


Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – Your sleeping habits
Day 26 – Your fears

@ mall of america

Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your favorite foods/drinks
Day 30 – Your aspirations

P.S. Here is the reason I haven’t been blogging like I should and why my fingers hurt so much today:

(301/365) @ home

How was your Halloween? I ignored any and all trick-or-treaters because my doorbell doesn’t work and no one ever knocks loud enough anyway.

I’ll answer that first question later today! I hope!

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